Monday, March 8, 2021

Mike Titan x The Odd Pilot - VISION FLOWS




Mike Titan x The Odd Pilot 

When talking about succeeding in life, or in business, there’s no right way to go about pursuing your dreams and also finding your niche within the business world. There has been a blueprint for how to succeed in the creative world for decades. It’s been right in front of our face, attached to A bushy head of hair and an amazing personality. Bob Ross is a world famous painter. He studied the art of Allah prima - which just translates to “wet on wet“. The principle is pretty easy to follow. You put one color down on the canvas and then you add another color on top before it even has a chance to dry. This is a metaphor for creativity and how to not judge your work before it is finished. My own personal journey in hip-hop has been very interesting. Unconventional. Outside the box. I have consistently used Bob Ross as an example of how to move. How to treat people. How to look at the world and its mistakes. When I linked up With Mike Titan, he shared that love of art And creativity. Many of my friends share that. Mike took it a step further though, and jumped in with both feet. We did a track together called Vision Flows. It’s beautiful. He took all of the best parts of our shared beliefs system and put it into one track. It’s not every day that two people connect on a deeper level with their artwork. If you want to create quality content, focus on quality relationships. Don’t cut corners. Build with people that want to build with you. If you would like to listen to  Vision Flows, You can find us on Bandcamp and it is streaming everywhere but wherever you find it, just find it. Take a listen to it. It’s special. Peace. The Odd Pilot  Bandcamp 



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