Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Peculiar Oeuvre by Eclyse (Hypogeal Sounds)


Welcome to a deep dive into this strange oeuvre. One of a troubled artist who isn't afraid to express visually immersive rhymes from a dark mental place. Laying down heavy material from the core of his soul to vent and express himself through music and art. The struggles are inevitable and the art allows the mind to paint pictures, literally and metaphorically for the listener to experience the mind of the artist through words and art. The cover paints a dark picture that is reflected in the context of each song. If you listen closely enough and dissect each bar, you will connect the words to the art and it will give you, if anything, a glimpse into the existence of such a person. The art is different, the experience is unique, and the journey is one you must fully immerse yourself in to understand this artist. Brace yourself for a plunge into this peculiar oeuvre.

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